Can I be Allergic to More Than One Food?

If you have a food allergy, you already know about taking extra precautions, checking labels, making special recipes, even avoiding your favorite restaurants and dishes. However, even if you avoid
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Mall Walking – the Best of Both

When it comes to getting fit, it can often be hard to get started. It’s easy to be intimidated by the equipment and even the people in gyms and fitness facilities. If you want to get some exercise
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Home Treatments For a Good Night’s Sleep

One of the most common reasons people go to a doctor is because they’re having problems sleeping. However, many of us just don’t want to take this step. Sleeping pills often have negative side
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How Do You Tell If It Is a Food Allergy Reaction?

Many people get sick when they eat certain foods, but that doesn’t mean they actually have a food allergy. If you’re having problems that seem to be caused by what you eat, pay attention to the
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Have a Food Allergy Plan

For a parent, a food allergy can be a scary thing. However, if you take the proper precautions, you can help keep your child safe and healthy. The most important part of doing this is to have an
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Food Allergy Myths

You’ve probably heard a lot of things in your lifetime about food allergies, some of it true, some that didn’t really seem too true. Here are just a few of the myths people believe about food
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What Are Food Allergies?

You often hear people say that they can’t have a certain food or that they are allergic. But what exactly is a food allergy and is it something you could have? Before you can figure out what food
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Fit or Fiction – Baby Boomers’ Fitness

Whether you’re old or young, in shape or never picked up a weight in your life, you’ve probably heard a lot of fitness myths. There are all kinds of ideas about weight loss and exercise out there,
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How To Find Out If You Have Food Allergies

For many people, a food allergy is an obvious and dangerous thing. Within minutes to hours of eating a food, their throat will swell, they’ll have itching, trouble breathing, or even go into shock.
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Are You Having Trouble Falling Asleep?

We’ve all been there. Lying awake at night, tossing and turning. Staring at the clock watching the seconds tick by. For some people it’s an occasional annoyance, but if it continues, it can be a
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